Sex, Drugs and Madrigals

Sex, Drugs and Madrigals

A wild and theatrical ride through the extremes of style, drama, humor and emotion in the late Italian madrigal: Willaert, Marenzio, Gabrieli, Palestrina, Banchieri, Croce, d’India, Schütz, Gesualdo, Valentini, and of course, Monteverdi.

“The “Singing Ducks” instilled their superb performances with the liveliness and theatricality that were historically an important part of the madrigal tradition.”
– Boston Musical Intelligencer

“Among the most impressive performances were those of Les Canards Chantants, which presented a brilliant and moving program of late Italian madrigals—this was some of the best Gesualdo and D’India you are likely to hear.”
– Early Music America magazine

Adriano Willaert – Giunto m’à amor
Andrea Gabrieli –  Sopra la morte d’Adriano
Giovanni Valentini –  Spente eran nel mio cor l’antiche fiamme
Luca Marenzio –  Zefiro torna, e’l bel tempo rimena
Claudio Monteverdi –  Lamento della ninfa
Croce – Canzonetta da Bambini
Monteverdi – Io mi son giovinetta
Monteverdi – Sfogava con le stelle
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina – S’un sguardo un fa beato
Sigismondo d’India –  Dispietata pietate
Heinrich Schütz –  Dunque addio
Carlo Gesualdo –  Asciugate i begli occhi
Adriano Banchieri –  Gioco del conte
Marenzio – Cedan l’antiche tue chiare vittorie

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